Download donkey kong jr
Download donkey kong jr

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The game ends when all lives are lost.ĭonkey Kong has four single-screen stages, each representing 25 meters of the structure Donkey Kong has climbed (25, 50, 75, and 100 meters). The player starts with three lives and earns an additional life at 7,000 points, adjustable via DIP switches. The player’s goal is to save Pauline while accumulating points by leaping over obstacles, destroying objects with a hammer power-up, collecting items, removing rivets from platforms, and completing each stage within the time limit. Donkey Kong was one of the first arcade games with multiple stages and was considered the most complex arcade game of its time, following games like Phoenix (1980), Gorf (1981), and Scramble (1981).

download donkey kong jr

The game set the template for the future of the platform genre. Donkey Kong, released in 1981 by Nintendo and reissued by Atari in 1988, is an arcade platform video game that was the first to feature jumping.

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